
Holotropic Breathwork & Origins of Transpersonal Breathwork

The first studies and experience reports by two pioneers of transpersonal breathwork, Stanislav Grof and Lenoard Orr, came from the renowned Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California. While holotopic breathing focused on inducing psychedelic states in its early development, Leonard Orr – on whom Conscious Energy Breathing (CEB) / Conscious Connected Breathwork is based – dealt with the topics of immortality and rebirth. So-called circular breathing (connected breathing) forms the basis for a method of self-awareness and personal development that can bring about profound changes in a person’s consciousness. Subconscious, traumatic feelings and memories, right back to one’s own birth, can be made accessible through CEB therapy; this is why CEB was originally also known as ‘rebirthing’. Conscious Energy Breathing supports us to overcome energetic and physical blockages and to release everyday stress and tension; at the same time it gives us more clarity, joy and vitality. Conscious Energy Breathing enables us to gain deep insights into our intuitive world by connecting with our deepest inner self and the cosmic unity.

Breathwork Zeremonie mit Trommel und Klangschalen von Sacred Ways.

Conscious Energy Breathing

Conscious Energy Breathing means breathing both energy and air. It is the art of learning to breathe from the breath itself. Energy Breathing is perhaps the most valuable self-healing skill a person can learn; it takes us from contraction (disease) to ultimate relaxation (ease). Conscious energy breathing is a natural healing ability that we all have access to. This ability involves merging the in-breath with the out-breath in an intuitive rhythm – sometimes more dynamic, sometimes more gentle – that floods the body with the cosmic energy of the source of all that is. Observing and feeling how cosmic energy moves in our own body and mind is a wondrous experience.

Klang Icon

‘There is one way of breathing that is shameful and constricted. Then there’s another way; a breath of love that takes you all the way to infinity.


The Naikando Method®

Marc has assisted in several cathartic healing ceremonies over the past 15 years. From 2008 to 2012 he participated in recurring in-depth seminars in Holotropic Breathwork and Conscious Energy Breathing at the Esalen Institute in California, the so-called birthplace of the Human Potential Movement. He wants to offer people a safe space for a transformative experience for this form of therapy.
Based on CEB, Marc has developed the Naikando Method®; a method that enriches and expands the profound experience through the use of tuning forks and conscious ‘toning’ through the voice, especially in deep meditative states. This innovative approach enhances the method’s capacity for self-healing.

Breathwork ceremonies

Sacred Ways’ Sound & Breath ceremonies are profound breathwork experiences that guide you through the medicine of your own breathing into unimagined depths of self.
Through the power of our own breathing and the support of the rhythms and sounds, we can journey into unimagined levels of our deepest (highest) self; the experiences are often perceived as deeply healing and life-changing.
Energy breathing (circular breathing / connected breath) is a natural healing ability that we all have access to. This ability involves merging the in-breath with the out-breath in an intuitive way – sometimes more dynamic, sometimes more gentle – that floods the body with the cosmic energy of the source of all that is. To be able to observe and feel how cosmic energy moves in our own body and mind is a wondrous experience.

Breathwork Teacher Training Ausbildung in der Schweiz mit Sound Healing für Transpersonale Psychologie.
Breathwork Zeremonie mit Trommel und Klangschalen von Sacred Ways.

1:1 & Private Breathwork Sessions

Private sessions – from one person to private small groups – are more intimate compared to the event group ceremonies. These powerful and transformative sessions are suitable for people who want to dedicate themselves fully to their process in a closed setting; especially for couples and families, these journeys can be enormously profound and transformative. Optionally, the ceremonies are accompanied by the power of plants; Marc works with rapé or cacao in this setting for an unforgettable, transpersonal journey.


1:1 & Private Breathwork Sessions

120min | 1:1 session | Sfr 290.-*
120min | 2 persons | Sfr 400.-*
120min | 3 persons | Sfr 500.-*
120min | 4 persons | Sfr 600.-*
120min | 5 persons | Sfr 700.-*

*Includes preparation, assessment, intention setting & opening and closing of the session.

Contraindications and precautions:
Severe cardiovascular diseases, heart surgery, pacemakers, permanent high blood pressure, pregnancy, epilepsy, psychotic disorders, borderline disorders, glaucoma. Please contact us if you are unsure.

Experience Breathwork ceremonies

Frequently asked questions about Breathwork

Founded on principles of holistic well-being, we strive to support mind, body, and spirit through a personalized approach to wellness.

What is transpersonal psychology?

Transpersonal psychology is an area of psychology that is based on the spiritual aspects of human life. It has its roots in the work of humanistic psychologists such as Carl Jung, who was particularly interested in the spiritual aspects of human nature. Transpersonal psychology is a holistic psychology that supports the important role of transcendental and mystical states, psychedelic experiences and other forms of extraordinary states of consciousness in promoting personal transformation.

Humanistic psychology recognized consciousness, introspection, and the other uniquely human characteristics that psychoanalysis and behaviorism ignored. This new holistic and multimodal approach to psychology also shifted the focus from the dysfunction-based models of psychoanalysis and the animal research foundations of behaviorism to an approach that focuses on growth, well-being, human potential, self-actualization and the unity of mind and body.

As one of the key figures in the history of transpersonal psychology, Stanislav Grof, put it: “Western science is approaching a paradigm shift of unprecedented proportions that will change our concepts of reality and human nature, bridge the gap between ancient wisdom and modern science, and reconcile the differences between Eastern spirituality and Western pragmatism.”

Ultimately, transpersonal psychology is based on the fact that we are spiritual beings, that a soul exists that can store experiences materially and temporally independent of the body, even before the time of our conception. This approach is expressed by the adjective ‘transpersonal’.

A transpersonal guide or mentor does not insist on a particular scheme or method, but often chooses the intuitive approach from the presence of the unified field of consciousness. The guide places more emphasis on ‘not knowing’ than on anything else. This may be the most important prerequisite for him: to be open enough to go beyond what he has learned and to engage with the wisdom that arises from the here and now. The presence of the guide/mentor thus creates a deeper awareness of the client’s self, which initiates the actual healing process. This can provide access to one’s own inner wisdom, which reveals that healing does not primarily come from outside, but from within.

The great C.G. Jung described healing as an alchemical process that can only take place when people essentially meet. The paths into the transpersonal realm may be different, but ultimately the goal is always to arrive in the here and now of pure being. There is no longer anything personal that wants to impose itself on another, as the non-dual experience of presence transcends all concepts and beliefs.

What does transpersonal breathwork mean?

Transpersonal breathwork is an essential, practical component of transpersonal psychology, a specific approach to breathwork that goes beyond the individual ego and personal identity and delves into the realm of transpersonal experiences and higher states of consciousness. It is a form of experiential psychotherapy that aims to explore and integrate aspects of the self beyond the ordinary self-concept.
In transpersonal breathwork, practitioners use conscious and connected breathing techniques to bring about altered states of consciousness. These altered states can open the door to deep insights, expanded perception and a sense of connectedness with everything in existence. Participants can experience spiritual or mystical dimensions, encounter archetypal symbols or recall memories from different times or even past lives.

The aim of transpersonal breathwork is not only personal healing and development, but also the exploration of universal or collective aspects of the human experience. It can lead to a deeper understanding of one’s purpose, a connection to a greater meaning and a sense of oneness with the universe.
Transpersonal breathwork is often done in a safe and supportive environment that allows participants to explore their inner landscapes and work through unresolved emotions and trauma. It can be a powerful tool for personal transformation, self-awareness and spiritual development, enabling individuals to tap into their highest potential and connect to the vastness of the human experience.
Well-known breathwork methods in the transpersonal field include Holotropic Breathwork, Consciously Connected Breathwork (also known as Rebirthing) and Transformational Breathwork. Each of these powerful techniques share a common foundation, but have their own unique nuances that make them stand out.

The breathwork of Synthesis, inspired by Holotropic Breathwork, is considered one of the most powerful and effective methods of experiential psychotherapy and deep self-exploration in transpersonal psychology. It offers the opportunity for self-exploration, self-knowledge, spiritual awakening and expansion of consciousness.
By entering holotropic states, we can go beyond the boundaries of the ego and connect with our true identity. The method uses the healing potential of expanded consciousness to integrate different levels of experience. Its main aim is to promote a deeper self-understanding and to tackle emotional and psychosomatic problems at their root. It also enables the liberation of inhibiting aspects of the personality, allowing the free expression of our innate talents and creativity.
Transpersonal breathwork gets to the root of underlying issues rather than masking them. This increases the likelihood of an authentic solution and leads to both personal transformation and spiritual openness. We carry traces of various traumatic events within our psyche and body, which can manifest themselves as symptoms and disorders. By consistently applying this transformative tool, we can address and transform these unresolved issues.

Contraindications and precautions:

Severe cardiovascular diseases, heart surgery, pacemakers, permanent high blood pressure, pregnancy, epilepsy, psychotic disorders, borderline disorders, glaucoma. If you are unsure, please contact us.